Join in a Prayer + Fasting Journey

The power of prayer deepens our dependence on Him and sharpens our faith. When we pray we choose to put everything in God’s hands knowing that His hand will show up in every aspect of our lives and in those around us. 

DAY 1 – Feb 1st – Starting the Journey – The Call to Encounter

Scripture: Jeremiah 29:12-13 – “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” 

Reflection: Today begins your journey toward deeper intimacy with the Father. The call to seek God is an invitation to encounter Him more deeply. This fast is not about what you give up but about what you gain through seeking His presence. 

Quote: A.W. Tozer – “The man who has God for his treasure has all things in one.” 

Fasting Tip: Prepare your heart and body. If you’re new to fasting, a suggestion maybe start with a partial fast ( like eliminating certain meals ) 

 Testimony: Fasting has been instrumental in every significant shift in my life. This quote has fuelled my determination to keep pressing in for more. “There is something that I desire more than food” – Ps Jenson Franklin. Is there something you desire more than food? Fasting is the catalyst for Greater encounters with God. Seek Him and you SHALL find Him, when you seek Him with all your heart. – Ps Mark Hann

Practical Step: Start your fast with an intention to seek God’s heart. Journal your reasons for fasting today. 


DAY 2 – The Invitation to Know Him

Scripture: Philippians 3:8-10 – “I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” 

Reflection: This fast is about more than just knowledge—it’s about relational intimacy. Paul counted everything else as loss because knowing Christ was worth more than anything this world could offer. As you begin, ask God to deepen your understanding of His love.

Quote: “Give me 100 preachers who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and I care not a straw whether they be clergymen or laymen.” -John Wesley.

Fasting Tip: During your fast today, keep your focus on seeking God’s face, not just His hand. Find ways to go deeper in your relationship with Him rather than merely asking for blessings.

Testimony: Brother Lawrence, a 17th-century monk, famously encountered God in the mundane. His “Practice of the Presence of God” teaches that God’s love and nearness can be experienced in every moment, including our fast.

Practical Step: Spend time in prayer today asking the Father to reveal more of His heart to you. Be open to His presence even in the stillness. If you are tempted to rush from your quiet time set a timer and force your soul to sit. If you keep doing this over 21 days it will make a huge difference. We need to be still so we can hear our Father speak.



The Heart of the Father – Encountering His Love

Scripture: Romans 8:15-16 – “The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, ‘Abba, Father.’”

Reflection: God desires for you to experience Him as Father. The fast is a way to lean into that relationship, receiving the deep love that casts out all fear. Today, rest in the fact that you are fully loved, not based on what you do but because you belong to Him.

Quote: “Though our feelings come and go, God’s love for us does not.” – C.S. Lewis.

Fasting Tip: Fasting can feel difficult, but it’s important to remind yourself that God’s love never changes. When you feel hungry or weak, turn your thoughts to His steadfast love.

Testimony: Heidi Baker, a missionary in Mozambique, often speaks of how God encountered her in the depths of her need. Through fasting and prayer, God revealed His overwhelming love, giving her strength for ministry in one of the poorest nations on Earth.

Practical Step: Take moments today to meditate on the love of the Father by using the above scripture. Journal about any specific ways you’ve experienced His love or any areas where you feel Him calling you to rest more in that love. COME JOIN WITH US tonight prayer meeting 7-8 pm at JCC.



God’s Presence – A Dwelling Place

Scripture: Psalm 91:1 – “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” 

Reflection: God’s presence is not just a place we visit; it’s a shelter we are invited to dwell in. In this fast, God is calling us to remain close to Him, to rest in His presence, and to experience His peace and strength. As you fast, allow yourself to rest in the Father’s embrace, knowing He is your safe place. 

Quote: Andrew Murray – “The more we wait in His presence, the more we come to know and understand Him, and the more we are transformed by Him.”

Illustration: Think of a tree planted by a stream. Its roots reach deep into the water, drawing life and strength from the source. Likewise, when we choose to dwell in God’s presence, we draw spiritual nourishment from His eternal well. Just as a tree stands firm and bears fruit by remaining rooted in the soil, we are strengthened and bear spiritual fruit when we remain rooted in God’s presence. 

Fasting Tip: Today, make time to be still. Set aside moments of silence where you are not asking for anything, just being in God’s presence. Let the stillness refresh your spirit. 

Testimony: David Wilkerson, founder of Teen Challenge, once shared that during a season of intense prayer and fasting, he experienced God’s presence in such a powerful way that it felt as though God was right beside him. This intimacy with God became the foundation for the many lives transformed through his ministry. 

Practical Step: Take a 20-minute walk outdoors today, intentionally focusing on the beauty around you. Let nature remind you of God’s presence and rest in the knowledge that He is near.


DAY 5 – Wed 5th Feb

Encountering His Voice – God’s Guidance  

Scripture: John 10:27 – “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”

Reflection: God’s voice is not distant or silent; He desires to speak to us clearly. In this fast, God wants to sharpen your ability to hear His voice, guiding you in every step of life. His voice will direct you, comfort you, and lead you in the path of righteousness. As you fast, lean in, expect to hear from Him, and follow His leading.

Quote: Jentezen Franklin – “Fasting is not just about giving up food; it’s about positioning yourself to hear God more clearly. It’s about making space for His voice.”

Illustration: Imagine you’re in a crowded room, filled with noise and distractions. Yet, when someone you deeply love calls your name, you immediately hear it above all the chaos. God’s voice is the same – it’s clear, personal, and full of love. Fasting removes the distractions of life, clearing the airwaves so you can hear Him more distinctly. Just like tuning into a radio station, fasting tunes our spiritual senses to hear God’s frequency.

Fasting Tip: Take time today to actively listen. In your moments of fasting, silence your mind and soul. Ask God to speak to you and be expectant for His response. Keep a journal to record any impressions or words you believe He’s speaking to you.

Testimony: Vlad Savchuk, a pastor and author, speaks often about how fasting and prayer opened up the clarity of God’s voice in his life. In a testimony, he shared how during a prolonged fast, God spoke to him about direction for his ministry in a way that was so clear, it changed the entire trajectory of his future. His encouragement to others is that fasting brings alignment to God’s will and makes His voice unmistakable.

Practical Step: Create a quiet space today – whether it’s in your home, a park, or even your car. Spend 10-15 minutes in complete silence, focusing only on God’s presence. Invite the Holy Spirit to speak to you and take note of any thoughts or impressions He places in your heart. COME JOIN WITH US Please pray for tonight as we pray for the infilling of the Holy Spirit for all who come . JCC 7-8.30 pm



Boldly Approaching the Throne – Confidence in God’s Voice 

Scripture: Hebrews 4:16 – “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” 

Reflection: Today, we are invited to come before God with boldness – not because of our own merit, but because of His grace. In fasting, we’re not just giving up food; we are laying aside distractions to position ourselves to hear God’s voice. His throne is not distant, but accessible, and His voice, when we listen, is powerful enough to transform our circumstances. Boldness in prayer and fasting allows us to step into His presence, trusting that He will speak to us with clarity and direction.

Quote: Jentezen Franklin – “Fasting does not change God. It changes us. It opens our hearts to His voice, giving us clarity on His will for our lives.” 

Illustration: Imagine a runner preparing for a race. To perform at their best, they must wear the proper gear, stay focused, and block out all distractions. Their success depends on clearing their mind and listening to the sound of the starting gun. Similarly, fasting clears the distractions in our life, like a runner shedding excess weight or noise, so that we can hear God’s “starting signal” for the next season of our lives. When we clear away the clutter, we position ourselves to hear Him call us forward with clarity and confidence.

Fasting Tip: Use today to intentionally clear your mind of distractions. Take moments throughout the day to actively listen. If a thought or impression arises that you feel is from God, write it down. Take note of what is peaceful and clear, as these are often markers of God’s guidance.

Testimony: Priscilla Shirer, in her book Discerning the Voice of God, shares a powerful testimony about a time she was facing a major decision in her ministry. She had multiple options before her, and the pressure to make the right choice was weighing on her. In the midst of that season, she decided to embark on a period of fasting and prayer, seeking God’s direction. During this fast, she describes how the clarity of God’s voice became unmistakable. While other voices—whether internal doubts or external opinions—competed for her attention, God spoke with such a gentle but undeniable confidence that it cut through all the noise. She explains that fasting, in this instance, helped her tune out distractions and silence the confusion, creating a space where God’s will could be heard with peace and confidence. After the fast, she had a clear sense of peace and direction that led her to take a bold step in the ministry decision she had been uncertain about. She attributes this clarity to her intentional time of fasting, which helped her hear God’s voice with precision and assurance.

Practical Step: Dedicate 10 minutes today to actively listen in silence. Sit in a quiet space with a journal and ask God to speak to you about a specific area of your life. Be open to receiving His voice in unexpected ways, and don’t rush the process.



The Power of Intercession – Standing in the Gap

Scripture: Ezekiel 22:30 – “I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it; but I found no one.”

Reflection: Intercession is powerful because it reflects God’s heart for others. We stand in the gap for the world, the Church, and our loved ones, inviting God’s mercy.

Quote: Rees Howells – “The intercessor’s job is not to determine the outcome, but to stand in the gap.” 

Testimony: Rhys Howell’s Prayer During World War II Rhys Howells, a Welsh intercessor and prayer leader, became known for his fervent and strategic prayers during World War II. One of the most powerful accounts comes from the Battle of Dunkirk in 1940, when the Allied forces were trapped on the beaches of France by Nazi troops, facing near-certain annihilation. Howells, who led the Bible College of Wales, was convinced that God was calling him to intercede for the nation. As the situation grew more desperate, Howells began to pray with deep urgency, believing that God could intervene supernaturally. He prayed not just for the safety of the soldiers, but for the divine reversal of the situation. In the days that followed, something remarkable occurred. As if on cue, a miraculous storm rolled in, creating thick fog that covered the beaches, and preventing the German air force from attacking. The skies cleared enough for thousands of British boats to make the perilous journey to evacuate over 330,000 soldiers—a miraculous rescue that became known as the Dunkirk Evacuation. Howells later testified that he believed the outcome of this pivotal moment in the war was directly influenced by his prayers. He didn’t just pray for the outcome he wanted but for God’s will to be done, standing in faith that God could change the course of history through prayer. His testimony is a powerful reminder that prayer has the potential to shift the atmosphere and alter the course of events, even in the most dire of circumstances. Howells’ faith and commitment to prayer stirred others to believe that if God could intervene in the natural world during a global crisis, He could also do the same in their personal lives.

Fasting Tip: As you fast today, focus on praying for others—families, nations, the lost. Let the hunger in your body remind you of the needs around you.

Practical Step: Write down three people or causes to intercede for today. Spend intentional time praying for them.



Knowing the Father’s Will – Aligning with His Heart

Scripture: Romans 12:2 – “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Reflection: One of the most powerful outcomes of fasting is that it helps us align with God’s heart. We often struggle with uncertainty or confusion, wondering what God’s will is for our lives. But fasting creates space for renewed minds and hearts that are more attuned to His voice. The more we spend time in His presence, the more we understand His will – not only for us but also for the world around us. Today, ask God to open your heart to hear His guidance clearly and to align you with His divine purposes.

Quote: Jentezen Franklin – “Fasting is a time for God to align your will with His. It’s not about trying to change God’s will; it’s about surrendering your heart to His perfect plan.”

Illustration: Think of a musician tuning their instrument before a performance. A guitar that’s slightly out of tune will produce discordant sounds, but once it’s properly tuned, it creates beautiful music. Likewise, our hearts and minds often need tuning to align with God’s will. Through fasting, we allow God to fine-tune our hearts so we can hear His will and respond in harmony with His plans for us.

Fasting Tip: Take time today to ask God specifically about any area of your life where you need clarity. Seek to understand His will for your relationships, work, or ministry. Trust that He will speak, and be open to receiving His guidance, even if it feels different from what you expect.

Testimony: Billy Graham, the renowned evangelist, often shared that his decision to follow God’s call came from moments of fasting and prayer, during which God made His will known with clarity. In one instance, while seeking direction for his ministry, Graham fasted for several days, and during that time, he experienced a profound peace that affirmed God’s calling on his life. This led him to step into a global ministry that impacted millions.

Practical Step: Reflect on an area of your life where you need more direction. Ask God specifically for wisdom and guidance. Spend a few minutes journaling any impressions or scriptures that come to mind, and trust that the more you align your heart with His, the more you will hear His voice clearly.



Prayer and Fasting as Spiritual Warfare -Overcoming the Enemy’s Distractions

Scripture: Matthew 17:21 – “But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”

Reflection: In moments of intense spiritual conflict, prayer and fasting are not just acts of devotion but also acts of warfare. When Jesus spoke these words to His disciples, He was teaching them that certain strongholds and spiritual challenges can only be overcome through persistent prayer and fasting. This is a battle not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces that try to deceive, distract, and disarm us. Fasting helps sharpen our spiritual discernment and strengthens our ability to resist the enemy’s lies. It clears the path for us to hear God’s voice clearly and walk in victory. 

Quote: Joyce Meyer – “Fasting is a way of silencing your flesh so that your spirit is in charge. It strengthens your ability to resist the devil and walk in victory.”

Illustration: Think of a warrior preparing for battle. A soldier doesn’t go into a fight without proper preparation. They spend hours training, strengthening their body, and sharpening their mind. In the same way, fasting is a spiritual preparation—a way to focus on God’s strength and renew our minds so that we can stand firm in the face of spiritual opposition. Just as a soldier discards unnecessary weight, fasting helps us shed the distractions of the world, enabling us to focus on what matters most—hearing from God and standing strong in the battle.

Fasting Tip: Take time today to focus your prayer on a spiritual battle you may be facing—whether it’s against temptation, doubt, fear, or any other challenge. Use this time of fasting to strengthen your spirit and resist the enemy’s attacks. Declare God’s truth over your life, and trust that fasting will empower you to stand firm in victory.

Testimony: Bill Johnson, senior leader of Bethel Church, often shares how fasting and prayer have been crucial in overcoming spiritual obstacles. In his ministry, he recounts times when he faced strong spiritual opposition, but through focused prayer and fasting, God gave him breakthrough. He encourages believers to see fasting not just as a personal discipline but as a weapon of warfare, breaking down strongholds and opening doors for God’s power to move.

Practical Step: Choose one area of your life today where you are experiencing spiritual opposition—whether in your emotions, relationships, or faith. Pray and fast with intention for God to break through in that area. Write down any scripture, promises, or insights you receive during this time of focused prayer.


DAY 10 – Mon 10th Feb

Fasting to Overcome Doubt and Fear – Trusting God in the Storm

Scripture: Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” 

Reflection: Doubt and fear can often paralyze us, preventing us from stepping into the fullness of God’s plan for our lives. When we face uncertainty—whether about our future, relationships, or health—fear creeps in, whispering that we’re not enough or that God won’t come through. However, fasting is a way to intentionally shut out these lies and focus our hearts on the truth of God’s promises. Through fasting, we shift our focus from fear to faith, from doubt to certainty. Today, let your fasting be an act of boldly declaring that God is with you, that His promises are true, and that He will strengthen you in the midst of any storm. 

Quote: Bill Johnson – “Fasting positions you to focus on God rather than your circumstances. It’s not just a denial of food, but a declaration that God is greater than the doubts and fears that try to control your mind.”

Illustration: Imagine a child who is afraid of the dark. The child might be paralyzed by fear, unsure of what lies ahead. But when a loving parent steps in and offers comfort and protection, the fear is replaced by trust. Similarly, when we fast and focus on God’s presence, we are reminded of His faithfulness, and the fear that once gripped our hearts begins to fade. Fasting becomes the space where we quiet our fears and listen for the voice of the Father, reassuring us that we are safe in His hands.

Fasting Tip: Today, whenever fear or doubt arises—whether internally or externally—pause and declare God’s truth aloud. If fear is trying to convince you that God won’t provide or that you’re not good enough, counter that lie by speaking Isaiah 41:10 over your life. Journal any specific doubts that come to mind, and then replace them with scripture promises about God’s faithfulness and protection.

Testimony: Corrie ten Boom, a Holocaust survivor and passionate believer, was no stranger to fear and doubt. In her autobiography, The Hiding Place, she describes how, during her time in the concentration camps, fear often gripped her heart. Yet she recounts moments when God supernaturally silenced her fears and gave her unshakable peace. Corrie believed that fasting, prayer, and deep communion with God were key to overcoming the fear of death and darkness that threatened her. Her testimony reminds us that even in the darkest times, fasting and prayer can lead to spiritual victory and peace that surpasses understanding.

Practical Step: As you continue to fast today, bring to mind any specific areas where fear and doubt have been holding you back. Write them down and then replace each fear with a corresponding promise of God’s protection, provision, and peace. Use this time to speak truth over your life, declaring that God is greater than any fear or doubt. COME JOIN WITH US prayer tonight JCC 7-8 pm

DAY 11

Holy Boldness in Prayer and Fasting – Stepping Out in Faith 

Scripture: Hebrews 4:16 – “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”

Reflection: Boldness in prayer doesn’t come from our own strength or eloquence; it comes from knowing who we are in Christ and the confidence that we have access to God’s throne of grace. Fasting strengthens this boldness, as it helps us align our hearts and minds with God’s purposes. When we fast, we deny our flesh and choose to focus on the spirit, growing in faith and trust that God hears and answers our prayers. Today, let your prayer life be marked by holy boldness—confidence that God’s promises are true and that He delights in answering the prayers of His children.

Quote: Charles Spurgeon – “Prayer is the slender nerve that moves the arm of omnipotence. The boldness of prayer lies in knowing we are praying the will of God.”

Illustration: Imagine a child asking their parent for something—not in hesitancy, but with a clear sense of trust. They don’t doubt that their parent will provide what is needed. In the same way, when we approach God in prayer, especially during a time of fasting, we can come with boldness because we know He is both willing and able to answer. Just as a child knows they will be heard, we approach the Father with holy confidence, knowing He is good and trustworthy.

Fasting Tip: Today, bring a specific request before God in prayer. As you fast, remember that you can approach God with boldness and confidence, knowing He hears you. Ask Him for something big—a breakthrough in an area of your life—and believe that He is able to answer abundantly.

Testimony: John Wesley, the great evangelist, was known for his passionate prayer life. He often prayed with boldness and expectation, knowing that God would move powerfully. Wesley’s ministry saw incredible revival because he was not afraid to ask God for impossible things. His life was a testimony that bold prayer—fueled by fasting and faith—can lead to significant spiritual breakthrough.

Practical Step: Write down a specific prayer request that requires bold faith. As you fast, bring this request before God each day, praying with confidence that He is listening and that He will answer according to His will. Trust that God honors your holy boldness in approaching His throne.

DAY 12 – Wed 12th Feb

The Testimony of the Saints – Drawing Strength from Their Example

Scripture: Hebrews 12:1 – “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”

Reflection: As new believers, it’s easy to feel like we’re walking this journey alone. But we’re not. The Bible reminds us that we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses—faithful men and women from every generation who have gone before us, and who are cheering us on as we walk in faith. Their stories of prayer, fasting, and bold belief in God can inspire and strengthen us in our own walk. While we may not always recognize the names of these saints, their lives offer practical examples of how God works through those who are dedicated to seeking Him. Today, take courage and find inspiration in the lives of those who have walked this path of faith before you. Their example is proof that prayer and fasting can bring breakthrough and transformation.

Quote: A.W. Tozer – “The great men of God did not become great by avoiding trouble, but by walking through it in God’s strength. They were men and women of prayer, men and women who fasted and sought the Lord with all their hearts.” 

Illustration: Think of running a long race while hearing voices of encouragement from others who have already completed the race. They are there to remind you that the finish line is near, that the journey is worth it, and that you are not alone. Just as new believers can draw inspiration from modern-day examples of faith, the saints of history have also walked through the fire of doubt, fear, and difficulty, but with God’s help, they reached victory. Their stories are a great cloud of witnesses, encouraging you to keep going.

Fasting Tip: Take a moment today to think about the modern-day believers who inspire you. These could be pastors, mentors, or people in your church community who live a life of prayer, faith, and fasting. Write down how their example encourages you. Ask God to help you continue pressing forward with perseverance, just as they have.

Testimony: David Brainerd was a missionary to the Native American tribes in the early 1700s, and his life is a powerful example of the effectiveness of prayer and fasting. One specific moment in his life stands out: During one of his many fasts, Brainerd was deeply burdened for the salvation of the Native Americans he was ministering to, especially as he faced severe opposition and discouragement. In the depths of his prayer and fasting, he experienced a breakthrough. He described in his journal how, during a time of intense prayer, he felt the presence of God in a powerful way, and shortly thereafter, several individuals from the tribe came to faith in Christ. Brainerd’s commitment to fasting and prayer played a key role in the revival he witnessed, and this is just one example of how fasting can position us to see God’s power manifest in incredible ways

Practical Step: Reflect on an area of your life or someone you’re praying for where you need a breakthrough. It may be in your personal walk, your relationships, or ministry to others. As you fast today, ask God for the boldness to pray with faith, knowing that, like Brainerd, your persistent seeking of God can bring change. 

COME JOIN WITH US. Tonight is a powerful night where we pray for strongholds to be broken. Come if not for yourself for others! At  JCC 7-8.30 pm.

DAY 13

 Encountering the Heart of the Father – Healing and Restoration

Scripture: Psalm 34:18 – “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

Reflection: Fasting is not only about denying the flesh, but also about creating space for encounters with God—encounters that bring healing and restoration to our hearts. The Father’s heart is one of compassion, love, and restoration. He draws near to us in our pain, sorrow, and brokenness. Through fasting, we open ourselves to Him, inviting Him to heal the wounds in our hearts that we often try to hide or ignore. When we come to Him in humility, He meets us with grace and healing. Whether you are seeking healing from emotional scars, physical pain, or spiritual brokenness, the Father longs to restore you. His heart beats with compassion for you, and as you fast and pray, you are positioning yourself to experience His tender, healing touch. • Quote: Bill Johnson – “God doesn’t just heal our physical bodies; He heals our hearts. Healing is not just the absence of pain, but the presence of God bringing restoration.” 

Illustration: Imagine a child running toward their father, arms open wide, seeking comfort after a painful fall. The father doesn’t hesitate but scoops the child up in his arms, holding them close, soothing their fears, and tending to their wounds. In the same way, our Heavenly Father invites us to run to Him with our brokenness. Just as the child can rest in the father’s arms, we can rest in God’s arms, allowing Him to tend to the hurts in our hearts and minds. Fasting is like that child running towards the Father; it is a deliberate choice to come to Him, open ourselves to His healing, and trust Him with our deepest pain.

Fasting Tip: Today, as you continue your fast, bring your brokenness before the Father. Take time to reflect on areas in your life where you’ve experienced pain—whether relational, physical, or spiritual—and surrender those areas to God. Open your heart and ask Him to heal and restore what has been broken. Write down any thoughts, scriptures, or words that come to you during this time of reflection and prayer. Trust that God’s presence is meeting you, bringing healing and comfort.

Testimony: John Wimber, the founder of the Vineyard Church movement, often shared stories of God’s healing power. One of the most powerful testimonies was from a woman who had been struggling with severe emotional trauma. After a time of prayer and fasting, she encountered God’s healing presence in a profound way. As she spent time in God’s presence, she felt an overwhelming sense of peace and love, and all the emotional pain she had carried for years began to lift. Wimber emphasized that healing wasn’t just about physical healing but also about the restoration of the heart. This encounter with God’s heart led to profound emotional healing and freedom. Fasting, for this woman, became the key that unlocked God’s restorative power in her life.

Practical Step: Take a moment to list the areas in your life where you need restoration—whether in your relationships, your health, your emotions, or your spiritual walk. Fast and pray with the expectation that God will encounter you in those areas. As you fast, remind yourself that the Father’s heart is one of restoration, and He is close to the brokenhearted. Ask Him to restore you in every area where you feel wounded, and expect Him to bring healing and peace.

DAY 14

The Kingdom of God – Pressing Into His Purpose

Scripture: Matthew 6:33 – “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” 

Reflection: As we enter the final stretch of our fast, it’s natural to feel weary. Fasting challenges the body and the mind. But, take heart, because the kingdom of God is so much bigger than our momentary discomfort. When we fast, we align ourselves with God’s eternal purposes. This isn’t just about us—it’s about advancing the Kingdom of God on earth. When we fast, we are declaring that God’s rule and reign are greater than anything else. We are participating in a cosmic movement, bringing heaven’s will to earth. The sacrifice and discomfort you feel now are preparing you for a greater revelation of God’s Kingdom—where His love, His peace, and His righteousness rule. Don’t let weariness cause you to shrink back; let it fuel you to press deeper into the glory of His Kingdom. You are sowing into something eternal.

Quote: Oswald Chambers – “The Kingdom of God is not something we wait for; it is something we live for today. Fasting connects us to the eternal purpose of God and shifts our focus from the temporary to the eternal.” 

llustration: Think of a soldier in the midst of a long battle. He may be tired, weary, and ready to quit, but as he looks ahead, he remembers the greater cause—the mission at hand. His personal struggles, the fatigue in his body, and the hardships he faces are all part of a larger purpose. Just as a soldier presses on for the victory, so do we. Our fasting is not just about enduring discomfort—it’s about advancing the Kingdom of God. Every prayer you’ve prayed, every sacrifice you’ve made, is a step forward in this eternal mission. The Kingdom you’re labouring for will not fade away; it will endure forever.

Fasting Tip: If you’re feeling tired or discouraged, remind yourself that this fast is not just about you. You are sowing into the Kingdom of God, into a greater purpose that far outlasts this moment. Take a few moments today to reflect on how your fast is contributing to God’s Kingdom on earth—whether it’s through the transformation of your own heart, the breakthroughs in your life, or the impact you’re making in the lives of others. Your sacrifice is advancing God’s will, and that is a work worth every bit of effort. Press in and remember: the reward is eternal.

Testimony: Duncan Campbell, one of the leaders of the Hebrides Revival in Scotland, often shared how the people in that region experienced deep prayer, fasting, and consecration before revival came. The people were weary, exhausted from praying and fasting, yet they pressed forward, knowing that the Kingdom was advancing. Duncan Campbell said, “We did not see the breakthrough in the moment we expected, but our prayers were laying the foundation for something eternal. When revival came, it changed an entire generation.” The fasting and prayer they endured weren’t just for immediate results—they were advancing God’s Kingdom, and God honoured that faithfulness with a revival that changed a nation.

Practical Step: Today, if you’re feeling tired, take a moment to pause and reflect on the bigger picture. Write down a vision of what God’s Kingdom looks like to you—what is God’s purpose in your life, your family, your community, and the world? Let that vision inspire you to keep going. Trust that your sacrifice is contributing to a great harvest that will one day be fully realized in His Kingdom. Allow this vision to refuel your passion for the Kingdom of God, reminding you that this fast is not just for today—it is an investment in eternity.

DAY 15

The Role of the Holy Spirit in Encountering the Father

Scripture: Romans 8:15-16 – “The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, ‘Abba, Father.’ The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.”  

Reflection: The journey of fasting and prayer isn’t something we do alone. The Holy Spirit is with us, working in us and through us to deepen our relationship with the Father. Through the Holy Spirit, we are invited into an intimate relationship with God—one where we can cry out to Him as Father. The Spirit doesn’t just give us words to pray; He reveals God’s heart to us and helps us understand the love the Father has for us. When we fast, the Holy Spirit empowers our weakness, guides our prayers, and opens our hearts to encounter the Father in a way that we could never experience on our own. In our moments of vulnerability, when we feel weak or distant, the Holy Spirit draws us closer to the Father’s heart, reminding us that we are His beloved children, adopted into His family. The fast is a time of spiritual surrender, and the Holy Spirit comes alongside us to help us surrender even more fully to God’s will, leading us into deeper intimacy with Him.

Quote: J. I. Packer – “The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of adoption, making us know that we are God’s children, and through him, we cry, ‘Abba, Father.’ This is not just a theological truth but a living, experiential reality. The Spirit makes the Father’s love real to our hearts.”

Illustration: Imagine a child, scared to approach their father because they don’t know if he’ll understand their hurt or disappointment. But the mother, who knows both the child and the father’s heart, steps in and says, “Come, I will take you to him.” The mother leads the child to the father’s arms, where they are welcomed, embraced, and comforted. This is what the Holy Spirit does for us. He brings us to the Father and makes God’s love tangible, enabling us to feel His presence and hear His voice. The Holy Spirit doesn’t just show us the Father’s love; He manifests it to us in personal, powerful ways. The Holy Spirit leads us into encounters with God, helping us to know Him as Father in a deep and experiential way. 

Fasting Tip: As you continue fasting, invite the Holy Spirit to be your guide. Ask Him to open your heart and mind to encounter the Father’s love in new and deeper ways. The Holy Spirit can help you see God as Father, not just as a distant, authoritative figure, but as a loving, tender Father who longs for intimacy with you. When the hunger pangs or the tiredness of fasting arise, pause and invite the Holy Spirit to strengthen you, to deepen your prayers, and to reveal the Father’s heart to you. Be expectant for fresh encounters with God today.

Testimony: R.A. Torrey, a famous evangelist and pastor, often spoke of his deep encounters with the Holy Spirit. In one of his meetings, after fasting and prayer, he experienced a profound encounter with the Father through the Holy Spirit. He had been longing for a deeper revelation of God’s love and presence. As he prayed, the Holy Spirit filled him with such overwhelming peace and assurance of the Father’s love that he couldn’t help but cry out, “Abba, Father!” The Holy Spirit helped him experience God’s heart in a powerful and tangible way. Torrey’s testimony highlights the vital role the Holy Spirit plays in bringing us closer to the Father and revealing His love in ways we can’t do on our own.

Practical Step: As you continue your fast, take some time to wait on the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to fill you with a greater revelation of the Father’s love. Maybe even find a quiet space to simply sit in God’s presence, inviting the Holy Spirit to bring you into a deeper encounter with the Father. When you experience His love, surrender to it, and allow the Holy Spirit to guide your prayers, your thoughts, and your heart into a deeper intimacy with God. Let the Holy Spirit speak to you, confirming your identity as a beloved child of the Father.

DAY 16

Fasting for Renewal

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:16 – “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” 

Reflection: Fasting is more than a discipline—it’s a divine tool for spiritual renewal. In times when we feel drained, overwhelmed, or spiritually dry, fasting acts as a catalyst for God to restore and refresh us. The apostle Paul teaches us that though we may feel physical weariness, inwardly, we are being renewed day by day. The beautiful truth is that when we fast, we align ourselves with the renewing power of God. Fasting enables us to reconnect with the Source of life, clearing out the distractions that cloud our hearts and minds. It’s an opportunity for God to revitalize us from the inside out, bringing us into a new season of growth, clarity, and strength. You might feel exhausted physically, but spiritually, this is the time for refreshment and a fresh infilling of His presence.

Quote: Jentezen Franklin – “Fasting creates a spiritual hunger that draws you closer to God and brings a renewal to your spirit that nothing else can.”

Illustration: Imagine a dry sponge left out in the sun. It shrinks, becomes stiff, and loses its usefulness. But when placed in water, it begins to absorb, expand, and become soft again, ready for use. Fasting is like soaking in living water—it rehydrates our weary souls and makes us ready to be used by God. Just as a sponge can absorb water and be revitalized, we too can experience spiritual renewal by simply drawing near to God. In this fast, you are being rejuvenated, not only for personal growth but also to become more effective in God’s purposes. 

Quote: Kris Vallotton – “Fasting doesn’t change God’s mind about you, but it changes your mind about Him. It renews your heart and gives you eyes to see things the way God sees them.”

Reflection: Fasting is not about persuading God to do something He doesn’t want to do—it’s about opening our spiritual eyes and hearts to see what He’s already doing. When we fast, our vision clears, and we can see more clearly what God’s plans are for our lives and the world around us. Renewal comes when we stop being consumed with our own plans and open ourselves to God’s heart. Kris Vallotton’s words remind us that fasting is an opportunity to align ourselves with God’s perspective, asking Him to show us what He sees. It’s a time to reconnect with the big picture, to renew our vision, and to shift from self-centered thinking to a God-centered worldview.

Testimony: Rachael Shortridge, an author and speaker, shares how a period of fasting and prayer led to personal renewal during a challenging season in her life. She had been going through a time of intense spiritual dryness, feeling distant from God. As she committed to a fast, she began to experience a deepening hunger for God that she hadn’t felt in years. She described how, through the fast, God renewed her passion for ministry and restored a sense of purpose in her heart. One night during her fast, she had a profound encounter with the Lord, where He spoke directly to her heart, reigniting her love for His Word and His people. Her testimony proves that fasting isn’t just about enduring—it’s about experiencing refreshing and renewal as we seek God’s heart.

Practical Step: As you continue fasting, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any areas of your life where you need renewal. Ask God to restore a fresh passion for His presence, for His Word, and for His purposes. You might be feeling physically weary, but this is a time to let God strengthen you inwardly. Spend some time reflecting on areas where you’ve grown tired or discouraged, and ask God to renew your heart with fresh purpose and vision. Invite the Holy Spirit to revive your spiritual passion and help you see the things of the Kingdom with a renewed perspective. 

DAY 17 – Mon 17th Feb

Growing Faith – The Power of Persistent Prayer

Scripture: Luke 18:1-8 – “Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. He said: ‘In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought. And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, “Grant me justice against my adversary.” For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or care what people think, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually come and attack me!’ And the Lord said, ‘Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly.’”

Reflection: Jesus’ parable about the persistent widow is a powerful reminder that faith is grown through persistent prayer. The widow, with her unrelenting pursuit of justice, shows us that there is power in not giving up, even when we don’t see immediate results. When we persist in prayer, it cultivates a faith that trusts God’s timing and knows that He will answer. Persistent prayer is about building endurance in our faith—learning to trust, wait, and persevere, even when things seem delayed or difficult. As we fast, we are actively engaging in persistent prayer, asking God to move in our lives, our families, our communities, and in the world. Just like the widow, we are called to press in, believing that God hears us and will answer. Faith grows stronger when we persist, and through this journey of prayer and fasting, we can expect God to move powerfully in response to our persistence.

Quote: George Mueller – “The great point is to not give up in prayer. Though you may pray long and fervently, do not grow weary. God is not deaf to our cries, nor is He indifferent to our needs.”

Illustration: Picture a farmer who plants a seed in the ground. Every day, he waters it, nourishes it, and waits patiently for it to grow. He doesn’t give up, even when there’s no sign of growth above the soil. His faith in the seed’s potential drives him to persist. Similarly, our prayers are like those seeds. At first, we may not see immediate answers, but God is at work beneath the surface, cultivating growth in our hearts and circumstances. Persist in prayer, knowing that God is faithful to bring about growth, transformation, and fruit at the right time.

Quote: Jentezen Franklin – “Prayer is not a magic formula. It’s a relationship. When we are persistent in prayer, we build that relationship. God is always faithful to answer, but sometimes the waiting refines us to a place where we can fully receive His answer.” 

Reflection: Just like relationship-building in any area of life, persistent prayer strengthens and deepens our relationship with God. It’s not about “twisting God’s arm” or convincing Him to act; it’s about aligning our hearts with His. The process of prayer allows God to refine us, helping us to develop the perseverance, patience, and trust that we need in our faith journey. When we persist in prayer, we are shaping our hearts to become more attuned to God’s will. Faith grows as we continually seek His presence and trust that He hears our cries.

Testimony: Joni Eareckson Tada, a Christian author and speaker, endured years of physical suffering after a tragic diving accident left her paralyzed. During the early years of her injury, she prayed persistently for healing, often feeling discouraged and exhausted. But through that persistent prayer, she not only grew in faith but also saw God use her testimony in powerful ways to minister to others. Joni says, “God’s delays are not denials, and even when prayers seem unanswered, He is at work in us, deepening our trust in His goodness.” Her persistence in prayer helped grow her faith and taught her that God’s timing is perfect, even in the most challenging circumstances. 

Practical Step: As you continue your fast, commit to persistent prayer in an area where you are seeking breakthrough—whether in your personal life, relationships, or a situation in your community. Set aside dedicated time each day to press in and believe that God hears you. If discouragement arises, remember the parable of the widow and keep praying. Keep showing up in prayer, knowing that God will answer in His perfect timing. Let your faith be strengthened through this persistence, trusting that God is working, even when you can’t yet see the results. 

COME JOIN WITH US tonight for prayer. Please come and let’s press in together! 7-8 pm at JCC.

DAY 18

Aligning Our Will with God’s Will

Scripture: Matthew 26:39 – “Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.’” 

Reflection: In this moment, Jesus shows us the ultimate act of surrender. Even in the face of incredible suffering, He chooses to submit His desires to the Father’s will. This prayer represents the deepest form of surrender, acknowledging that God’s will is always better, wiser, and higher than our own. When we fast, we enter into a space of surrender, choosing to let go of what we want in order to seek what God wants. Fasting helps to reveal areas where our will has become misaligned with God’s, and as we submit to Him, He gently realigns our hearts and minds. Our personal desires, while valid, often need to be surrendered so that we can fully embrace the perfect plan God has for us. Like Jesus, we may face moments of struggle or conflict, but aligning our will with His brings us into greater peace and purpose. The process of fasting isn’t just about denying food or comforts; it’s about denying self and saying, “God, Your will be done.”

Quote: John Wesley – “I am not afraid that the people called Methodists should ever cease to exist; but I am afraid, lest they should exist as a body having the form of religion without the power. And this will undoubtedly be the case unless they hold fast both the doctrine, spirit, and discipline with which they first set out.”

Reflection: In this powerful quote, Wesley expresses concern that we might live out a form of religion without the power of God’s will active in our lives. Just as the early Methodists were marked by deep surrender to God’s calling and alignment with His purposes, we too are called to make sure that we do not simply go through the motions of faith but live a life fully aligned with God’s will. This is not just about a set of beliefs or rituals, but about allowing God’s will to be the driving force behind every decision, every prayer, and every action. Fasting allows us to recalibrate and realign ourselves, ensuring we don’t just practice a religious form, but that we experience the power of God’s presence in our lives, and that we walk in step with His will. 

Illustration: Think of a runner preparing for a race. Before stepping onto the track, they make sure they are properly aligned with the starting line. They don’t start the race at an angle, or with distractions pulling them off course. Their focus is on the goal, and they position themselves carefully. In the same way, aligning ourselves with God’s will is like setting ourselves in position to run the race He has set before us. Fasting is a way to ensure we are aligned properly, clearing out distractions and realigning our hearts to focus on His call—so we can run with purpose, confidence, and strength. 

Quote: Jentezen Franklin – “Fasting is not about moving God to do something, it’s about positioning yourself to hear what He has already said and align yourself with His will.”

Reflection: Jentezen Franklin’s quote reveals a key truth: fasting is not about manipulating God’s hand or forcing Him to act in our favor. Rather, it is about positioning our hearts to hear what God is already saying. Aligning our will with His isn’t a process of trying to change God’s mind; it’s about opening our hearts to His plans and adjusting our desires to match His. Through fasting, we reposition ourselves to hear God’s voice more clearly and to step into the life He has called us to. This surrendering of our will creates room for a greater outpouring of God’s presence and purpose in our lives.

Testimony: Hudson Taylor, the famous missionary to China, had an incredible story of aligning his will with God’s. Early in his ministry, Taylor faced many challenges and doubts about his calling. He began to realize that his own desires for success and recognition were clouding his obedience to God. After spending extended time in prayer and fasting, he felt a deep sense of surrender and recommitted his life to serving God alone, regardless of the cost. This yielded remarkable fruit, and Taylor went on to see over 800 missionaries sent out and thousands of lives impacted by the Gospel. His story shows how aligning our will with God’s opens the door for greater breakthrough and fruitfulness.

Practical Step: As you continue fasting, take time today to reflect on areas where your will might be misaligned with God’s. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal personal desires, goals, or plans that might be hindering you from fully embracing God’s will for your life. Use this time of fasting to surrender those areas, saying, “Not my will, but Yours be done.” Spend time praying over those areas and inviting God to align your heart with His. As you do, expect to experience a deeper peace and clarity, knowing that when your will aligns with His, you are walking in the fullness of His plan. 

DAY 19 – Wed 19th of Feb

By Stepping Out into Our Calling 

Scripture: Matthew 14:29 – “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 

Reflection: In this powerful moment, Peter steps out of the boat, not knowing how he will walk on water, but trusting in the invitation of Jesus. Peter’s faith wasn’t based on the certainty of the outcome; it was rooted in his willingness to take the step when Jesus called him. When we enter a season of prayer and fasting, we position ourselves to hear God’s voice more clearly, and we begin to understand more about the unique calling He has for each of us. Stepping out into our calling can often feel like walking on water—unpredictable and risky. But when we trust God and respond in faith, we begin to see the miraculous unfold before us. Fasting doesn’t just equip us spiritually; it clears away the distractions that hold us back from taking bold, obedient steps into God’s purposes for our lives. When God calls us, the journey of obedience requires faith. Just as Peter didn’t wait for the storm to calm before stepping out, we, too, must step forward boldly, trusting that God is with us, even in the chaos. Fasting and prayer help strengthen our courage and resolve to walk in the calling He has set before us. Our obedience positions us to experience His power in ways we never thought possible.

Quote: Bill Johnson – “God is not looking for ability as much as He is looking for availability. The greatest ability is availability.”

Reflection: Bill Johnson’s quote challenges us to shift our mindset from focusing on what we lack to being available to God’s power. We may feel like we don’t have the skills or resources to step out into the calling God has given us. But God is more concerned with our availability than our abilities. Fasting clears the distractions of self-doubt, pride, and fear so that we can be truly available for God to use us. When we align ourselves with His will through fasting, we open ourselves up to the incredible possibilities of what He can do through us, despite our weaknesses.

Illustration: Imagine you’re about to climb a mountain. At the bottom, the peak seems so far away, and the journey looks daunting. The path is uncertain, and the weather may be unpredictable. But you begin the climb, step by step, trusting that with each foot forward, you’re getting closer to your goal. In the same way, stepping into your calling feels like that first step on the mountain trail. You may not see the summit yet, but as you take each step of obedience, God guides you, strengthens you, and equips you for the journey ahead. Fasting helps you shed the fear of the climb, pushing through the distractions that want to keep you at the bottom. As you trust God, every small step builds momentum for greater breakthroughs.

Quote: C.S. Lewis – “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” • Reflection: C.S. Lewis reminds us that our calling doesn’t have an expiration date. No matter where we are in life, there’s always an opportunity to step into new realms of obedience and embrace the calling God has for us. Fasting during this time helps clear away the lies that we are “too old” or “too young” or “too inexperienced” to take the next step in God’s plan. God is not bound by time or limitations, and as we surrender through fasting, He empowers us to take the next step—whether that’s in our relationships, careers, ministries, or personal growth.

Testimony: Eric Liddell, the Olympic gold medalist and missionary, provides an incredible testimony of stepping into his calling. While training for the 1924 Olympics, Liddell famously refused to race on a Sunday, choosing to honor God above his athletic pursuits. After the Olympics, Liddell’s heart shifted to full-time missionary work, and he went to China, where he gave his life in service to God. His obedience to the call of God, even when it seemed contrary to the expectations of the world, led him to a life of great impact. His testimony reminds us that stepping into our calling often requires bold decisions, but God honours that faith with eternal fruit.

Practical Step: Today, as you continue fasting, ask God to reveal areas where He’s calling you to step out in obedience. It may be a calling in your career, relationships, ministry, or personal life. Write down any steps of faith God is prompting you to take, no matter how big or small. Even if the road ahead seems unclear, choose to trust that God will guide you and empower you to walk out His plan. Take practical, small steps today that align with the calling He’s placed on your life. Remember, faith isn’t just about waiting for perfect circumstances—it’s about stepping out when God says, “Come.” 

COME JOIN WITH US Tonight is our outpouring of healing night where we pray for those needing physical, emotional healing . Please pray today for many healings in Jesus name 7-8.30 pm 6.45 pm for soaking.

DAY 20

Trusting Him in the Unknown

Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6 – “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” • Reflection: Trusting God when the future is unclear can be one of the most challenging parts of our walk with Him. The unknown often feels like a wilderness—unpredictable, unsettling, and sometimes even frightening. But the call to trust God isn’t just for the “known” moments of life; it’s especially for those moments when we don’t have all the answers. In fasting, we allow ourselves to lean not on our own understanding but to fully depend on God, trusting that He will make our paths straight, even when we can’t see the way ahead. When you’re facing an unknown situation—whether it’s a new season of life, a difficult decision, or an uncertain future—remember that God is not surprised by the unknown. He knows the end from the beginning. Fasting helps strip away the self-sufficiency we tend to rely on and calls us to live in dependence on God’s wisdom and guidance. Trusting Him in the unknown requires faith that is not rooted in circumstances but in the character of God. He is faithful, even when we can’t see the whole picture. In fasting, we train our hearts to trust His plan, even when the path is foggy

Quote: Kris Vallotton – “God is always good, even when we can’t see it. Trusting Him in the unknown is where we experience His faithfulness.”

Reflection: Kris Vallotton’s words remind us that even when life seems unclear, God’s goodness and faithfulness never change. We may not always understand what’s happening in our lives, but God’s character remains constant. In times of uncertainty, fasting and prayer help recalibrate our hearts to remember that God is good, and His plans for us are filled with hope. Our trust isn’t based on our ability to see the future but on His proven faithfulness in our past and present.

Illustration: Think of a child holding their parent’s hand while walking through a darkened path. The child doesn’t know where they are going or what’s ahead, but they trust their parent completely because they know their parent will guide them safely. In the same way, when the path ahead is unclear, we can trust God’s guidance. Even if we can’t see the future, we can rest in His hand, knowing He is leading us through the unknown.

Quote: Vlad Savchuk – “Trust is not the absence of fear; it is the willingness to move forward in the face of it.”

Reflection: Vlad Savchuk’s words speak to the heart of true faith. Trust doesn’t mean we won’t feel fear or uncertainty, but it means we choose to move forward despite those feelings. As we fast, we confront our fears—whether it’s fear of failure, fear of the future, or fear of the unknown. Trusting God doesn’t mean the fear disappears; it means that we choose to move forward in His direction, knowing that He’s with us. God is faithful to guide us through uncertainty, and fasting sharpens our ability to hear His voice and trust His leading.

Testimony: George Müller, a man of deep faith, relied on God for everything, including the operation of the orphanages he founded in England. Müller never asked for money directly; instead, he prayed and trusted that God would provide. There were many times when the future seemed uncertain, with no money in sight to provide for the children in his care. Yet, time and again, God provided at the last moment. Müller’s life was a testimony of trusting God in the unknown—believing that when we trust God fully, He will meet our needs and guide us, even when we can’t see the way ahead.

Practical Step: Today, as you continue fasting, take a moment to reflect on areas in your life where you are feeling uncertain or anxious about the future. Ask God to reveal any places where you’re relying on your own understanding instead of trusting His plan. Write these areas down, and then offer them to God in prayer. Ask Him to guide you through the unknown and remind you that He is faithful to fulfill His promises, even when the way seems unclear. Trust that He is with you, even in the uncertainty, and He will make your paths straight. 

DAY 21

A Life of Continued Encounters – Walking in His Presence Daily 

Scripture: John 15:4-5 – “Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” 

Reflection: The 21 days of fasting and prayer have led us to a deeper encounter with God, but this is not the end; it’s only the beginning. As we’ve journeyed through this season of intimacy with the Father, we’ve experienced moments of breakthrough, healing, and renewal. However, God is inviting us into a lifestyle of continued encounters—a life that isn’t marked by seasons of spiritual highs, but by daily, intimate connection with Him. The key to walking in His presence daily is to remain—abide—in Him, just as a branch abides in the vine. It’s a continuous decision to stay connected, to seek His presence not just in times of fasting but in every moment of our lives. God desires that we live abiding lives, rooted in His love, where His presence becomes our natural habitat. This isn’t about occasional encounters; it’s about living in a state of constant communion with Him. As we end this 21-day journey, don’t let the encounters stop here. God is calling you to sustain what He has started by intentionally choosing to remain in His presence every day. Fasting has opened doors to deeper intimacy, but walking in His presence daily is the natural outpouring of what has been deposited into your life.

Quote: Bill Johnson – “We were created to live in a continual state of encountering God, where we draw strength from Him, where our hearts remain soft and pliable in His presence, and where our lives reflect His glory.” 

Reflection: Bill Johnson’s words remind us that encountering God is not just a one-time experience—it is meant to be a way of life. Just as we draw nourishment from the vine, our spiritual vitality is directly connected to our daily encounters with God. Fasting and prayer have aligned our hearts to His, but the goal is to continue living in a place of constant renewal. This is not about striving or effort but about resting in His presence, drawing strength and life from Him every day. Living a life of continual encounters means intentionally walking in His presence, cultivating an awareness of His nearness in every part of your day. 

Illustration: Picture the difference between a well and a stream. A well requires us to go down and draw water, but a stream is ever-flowing, always present, and continuously available. God’s presence is like a stream—He is always there, available to us at all times. The fast has been like digging a well, but now God is calling us to live in the stream. A life of continual encounters means learning to walk in His presence, where His love and guidance flow freely in every moment of our day.

Quote: Kris Vallotton – “We can’t live off of a few encounters with God; we were meant to walk in the glory of His presence daily.” 

Reflection: Kris Vallotton’s quote challenges us to not be satisfied with isolated encounters or moments of spiritual highs. We are called to live in the glory of His presence every day. Fasting has created an awareness of His presence, but now we must learn to carry that presence into every aspect of our lives. It’s in the everyday moments—work, relationships, decisions—that we encounter God, bringing His love and power into the ordinary. This is the invitation of a life of continual encounters: to make God’s presence a daily reality, transforming our hearts and actions into reflections of His glory. 

Testimony: Smith Wigglesworth, known for his powerful ministry and deep encounters with God, lived a life marked by continual intimacy with the Holy Spirit. He didn’t rely on occasional moments of prayer and fasting but chose to live in constant communion with God. He was known for praying in the Spirit throughout his day, whether he was traveling, meeting with people, or even eating. He said, “I never pray more than 20 minutes, but I never go 20 minutes without praying.” Smith’s life was a testimony of living in constant encounter with God, a life that reflected His presence in everything he did

Practical Step: Today marks the end of our 21-day journey, but the beginning of a lifelong walk with God. As you conclude this fast, take a moment to commit to abiding in His presence every day. Begin by setting aside intentional time each day for prayer, worship, or simply being still before Him. Keep a journal of your encounters with God and look for His presence in the small moments. Invite Him into your daily life, not just as a momentary experience but as your constant companion. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you remain in Him, to teach you how to live in constant awareness of His presence. The fast has opened your heart, now let it be the foundation for a lifestyle of daily encounters.